Find Rooms For Rent in Renfrew

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Room Rentals & Roommates


Results 1 - 3 of 3

  • Rooms for rent


    Rooms for rent

    Deep River

    Single rooms for rent. Available July 1st and August 1st. Ideal for CNL/contract workers. Shared common area.All inclusisive(heat,hydro,wifi,parking) $650 per month.

  • Room for Rent in Arnprior


    Room for Rent in Arnprior


    Furnished room in a bungalow style home Spacious room with large windows Private bathroom Shared kitchen Shared laundry One parking spot Everything on the same floor!! *For females only

  • Grassroots Sanctum


    Grassroots Sanctum


    Hey. I live alone in a 2 bedroom cozy cottage vibe house with a modest 2 acres of land, with lots of trees, on the outskirts of Renfrew. Im basically going to be gardening all season. Growing food, ...

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